๐Ÿถ Bark#

Bark is a multi-lingual TTS model created by Suno-AI. It can generate conversational speech as well as music and sound effects. It is architecturally very similar to Googleโ€™s AudioLM. For more information, please refer to the Suno-AIโ€™s repo.


  • ๐Ÿ‘‘Suno-AI for training and open-sourcing this model.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‘gitmylo for finding the solution to the semantic token generation for voice clones and finetunes.

  • ๐Ÿ‘‘serp-ai for controlled voice cloning.

Example Use#

text = "Hello, my name is Manmay , how are you?"

from TTS.tts.configs.bark_config import BarkConfig
from TTS.tts.models.bark import Bark

config = BarkConfig()
model = Bark.init_from_config(config)
model.load_checkpoint(config, checkpoint_dir="path/to/model/dir/", eval=True)

# with random speaker
output_dict = model.synthesize(text, config, speaker_id="random", voice_dirs=None)

# cloning a speaker.
# It assumes that you have a speaker file in `bark_voices/speaker_n/speaker.wav` or `bark_voices/speaker_n/speaker.npz`
output_dict = model.synthesize(text, config, speaker_id="ljspeech", voice_dirs="bark_voices/")

Using ๐ŸธTTS API:

from TTS.api import TTS

# Load the model to GPU
# Bark is really slow on CPU, so we recommend using GPU.
tts = TTS("tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/bark", gpu=True)

# Cloning a new speaker
# This expects to find a mp3 or wav file like `bark_voices/new_speaker/speaker.wav`
# It computes the cloning values and stores in `bark_voices/new_speaker/speaker.npz`
tts.tts_to_file(text="Hello, my name is Manmay , how are you?",

# When you run it again it uses the stored values to generate the voice.
tts.tts_to_file(text="Hello, my name is Manmay , how are you?",

# random speaker
tts = TTS("tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/bark", gpu=True)
tts.tts_to_file("hello world", file_path="out.wav")

Using ๐ŸธTTS Command line:

# cloning the `ljspeech` voice
tts --model_name  tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/bark \
--text "This is an example." \
--out_path "output.wav" \
--voice_dir bark_voices/ \
--speaker_idx "ljspeech" \
--progress_bar True

# Random voice generation
tts --model_name  tts_models/multilingual/multi-dataset/bark \
--text "This is an example." \
--out_path "output.wav" \
--progress_bar True

Important resources & papers#


class TTS.tts.configs.bark_config.BarkConfig(output_path='output', logger_uri=None, run_name='run', project_name=None, run_description='๐ŸธCoqui trainer run.', print_step=25, plot_step=100, model_param_stats=False, wandb_entity=None, dashboard_logger='tensorboard', save_on_interrupt=True, log_model_step=None, save_step=10000, save_n_checkpoints=5, save_checkpoints=True, save_all_best=False, save_best_after=0, target_loss=None, print_eval=False, test_delay_epochs=0, run_eval=True, run_eval_steps=None, distributed_backend='nccl', distributed_url='tcp://localhost:54321', mixed_precision=False, precision='fp16', epochs=1000, batch_size=32, eval_batch_size=16, grad_clip=0.0, scheduler_after_epoch=True, lr=0.001, optimizer='radam', optimizer_params=None, lr_scheduler=None, lr_scheduler_params=<factory>, use_grad_scaler=False, allow_tf32=False, cudnn_enable=True, cudnn_deterministic=False, cudnn_benchmark=False, training_seed=54321, model='bark', num_loader_workers=0, num_eval_loader_workers=0, use_noise_augment=False, audio=<factory>, use_phonemes=False, phonemizer=None, phoneme_language=None, compute_input_seq_cache=False, text_cleaner=None, enable_eos_bos_chars=False, test_sentences_file='', phoneme_cache_path=None, characters=None, add_blank=False, batch_group_size=0, loss_masking=None, min_audio_len=1, max_audio_len=inf, min_text_len=1, max_text_len=inf, compute_f0=False, compute_energy=False, compute_linear_spec=False, precompute_num_workers=0, start_by_longest=False, shuffle=False, drop_last=False, datasets=<factory>, test_sentences=<factory>, eval_split_max_size=None, eval_split_size=0.01, use_speaker_weighted_sampler=False, speaker_weighted_sampler_alpha=1.0, use_language_weighted_sampler=False, language_weighted_sampler_alpha=1.0, use_length_weighted_sampler=False, length_weighted_sampler_alpha=1.0, num_chars=0, semantic_config=<factory>, fine_config=<factory>, coarse_config=<factory>, CONTEXT_WINDOW_SIZE=1024, SEMANTIC_RATE_HZ=49.9, SEMANTIC_VOCAB_SIZE=10000, CODEBOOK_SIZE=1024, N_COARSE_CODEBOOKS=2, N_FINE_CODEBOOKS=8, COARSE_RATE_HZ=75, SAMPLE_RATE=24000, USE_SMALLER_MODELS=False, TEXT_ENCODING_OFFSET=10048, SEMANTIC_PAD_TOKEN=10000, TEXT_PAD_TOKEN=129595, SEMANTIC_INFER_TOKEN=129599, COARSE_SEMANTIC_PAD_TOKEN=12048, COARSE_INFER_TOKEN=12050, REMOTE_MODEL_PATHS=None, LOCAL_MODEL_PATHS=None, SMALL_REMOTE_MODEL_PATHS=None, CACHE_DIR='/home/docs/.local/share/tts/suno/bark_v0', DEF_SPEAKER_DIR='/home/docs/.local/share/tts/bark_v0/speakers')[source]#

Bark TTS configuration

  • model (str) โ€“ model name that registers the model.

  • audio (BarkAudioConfig) โ€“ audio configuration. Defaults to BarkAudioConfig().

  • num_chars (int) โ€“ number of characters in the alphabet. Defaults to 0.

  • semantic_config (GPTConfig) โ€“ semantic configuration. Defaults to GPTConfig().

  • fine_config (FineGPTConfig) โ€“ fine configuration. Defaults to FineGPTConfig().

  • coarse_config (GPTConfig) โ€“ coarse configuration. Defaults to GPTConfig().

  • CONTEXT_WINDOW_SIZE (int) โ€“ GPT context window size. Defaults to 1024.

  • SEMANTIC_RATE_HZ (float) โ€“ semantic tokens rate in Hz. Defaults to 49.9.

  • SEMANTIC_VOCAB_SIZE (int) โ€“ semantic vocabulary size. Defaults to 10_000.

  • CODEBOOK_SIZE (int) โ€“ encodec codebook size. Defaults to 1024.

  • N_COARSE_CODEBOOKS (int) โ€“ number of coarse codebooks. Defaults to 2.

  • N_FINE_CODEBOOKS (int) โ€“ number of fine codebooks. Defaults to 8.

  • COARSE_RATE_HZ (int) โ€“ coarse tokens rate in Hz. Defaults to 75.

  • SAMPLE_RATE (int) โ€“ sample rate. Defaults to 24_000.

  • USE_SMALLER_MODELS (bool) โ€“ use smaller models. Defaults to False.

  • TEXT_ENCODING_OFFSET (int) โ€“ text encoding offset. Defaults to 10_048.

  • SEMANTIC_PAD_TOKEN (int) โ€“ semantic pad token. Defaults to 10_000.

  • TEXT_PAD_TOKEN ([type]) โ€“ text pad token. Defaults to 10_048.

  • TEXT_EOS_TOKEN ([type]) โ€“ text end of sentence token. Defaults to 10_049.

  • TEXT_SOS_TOKEN ([type]) โ€“ text start of sentence token. Defaults to 10_050.

  • SEMANTIC_INFER_TOKEN (int) โ€“ semantic infer token. Defaults to 10_051.

  • COARSE_SEMANTIC_PAD_TOKEN (int) โ€“ coarse semantic pad token. Defaults to 12_048.

  • COARSE_INFER_TOKEN (int) โ€“ coarse infer token. Defaults to 12_050.

  • REMOTE_BASE_URL ([type]) โ€“ remote base url. Defaults to โ€œhttps://huggingface.co/erogol/bark/treeโ€.

  • REMOTE_MODEL_PATHS (Dict) โ€“ remote model paths. Defaults to None.

  • LOCAL_MODEL_PATHS (Dict) โ€“ local model paths. Defaults to None.

  • SMALL_REMOTE_MODEL_PATHS (Dict) โ€“ small remote model paths. Defaults to None.

  • CACHE_DIR (str) โ€“ local cache directory. Defaults to get_user_data_dir().

  • DEF_SPEAKER_DIR (str) โ€“ default speaker directory to stoke speaker values for voice cloning. Defaults to get_user_data_dir().

Bark Model#

class TTS.tts.models.bark.Bark(config, tokenizer=BertTokenizer(name_or_path='bert-base-multilingual-cased', vocab_size=119547, model_max_length=512, is_fast=False, padding_side='right', truncation_side='right', special_tokens={'unk_token': '[UNK]', 'sep_token': '[SEP]', 'pad_token': '[PAD]', 'cls_token': '[CLS]', 'mask_token': '[MASK]'}, clean_up_tokenization_spaces=True), added_tokens_decoder={0: AddedToken('[PAD]', rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True), 100: AddedToken('[UNK]', rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True), 101: AddedToken('[CLS]', rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True), 102: AddedToken('[SEP]', rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True), 103: AddedToken('[MASK]', rstrip=False, lstrip=False, single_word=False, normalized=False, special=True)})[source]#
generate_audio(text, history_prompt=None, text_temp=0.7, waveform_temp=0.7, base=None, allow_early_stop=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generate audio array from input text.

  • text โ€“ text to be turned into audio

  • history_prompt โ€“ history choice for audio cloning

  • text_temp โ€“ generation temperature (1.0 more diverse, 0.0 more conservative)

  • waveform_temp โ€“ generation temperature (1.0 more diverse, 0.0 more conservative)


numpy audio array at sample frequency 24khz

generate_voice(audio, speaker_id, voice_dir)[source]#

Generate a voice from the given audio and text.

  • audio (str) โ€“ Path to the audio file.

  • speaker_id (str) โ€“ Speaker name.

  • voice_dir (str) โ€“ Path to the directory to save the generate voice.

load_checkpoint(config, checkpoint_dir, text_model_path=None, coarse_model_path=None, fine_model_path=None, hubert_model_path=None, hubert_tokenizer_path=None, eval=False, strict=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Load a model checkpoints from a directory. This model is with multiple checkpoint files and it expects to have all the files to be under the given checkpoint_dir with the rigth names. If eval is True, set the model to eval mode.

  • config (TortoiseConfig) โ€“ The model config.

  • checkpoint_dir (str) โ€“ The directory where the checkpoints are stored.

  • ar_checkpoint_path (str, optional) โ€“ The path to the autoregressive checkpoint. Defaults to None.

  • diff_checkpoint_path (str, optional) โ€“ The path to the diffusion checkpoint. Defaults to None.

  • clvp_checkpoint_path (str, optional) โ€“ The path to the CLVP checkpoint. Defaults to None.

  • vocoder_checkpoint_path (str, optional) โ€“ The path to the vocoder checkpoint. Defaults to None.

  • eval (bool, optional) โ€“ Whether to set the model to eval mode. Defaults to False.

  • strict (bool, optional) โ€“ Whether to load the model strictly. Defaults to True.

semantic_to_waveform(semantic_tokens, history_prompt=None, temp=0.7, base=None)[source]#

Generate audio array from semantic input.

  • semantic_tokens โ€“ semantic token output from text_to_semantic

  • history_prompt โ€“ history choice for audio cloning

  • temp โ€“ generation temperature (1.0 more diverse, 0.0 more conservative)


numpy audio array at sample frequency 24khz

synthesize(text, config, speaker_id='random', voice_dirs=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Synthesize speech with the given input text.

  • text (str) โ€“ Input text.

  • config (BarkConfig) โ€“ Config with inference parameters.

  • speaker_id (str) โ€“ One of the available speaker names. If random, it generates a random speaker.

  • speaker_wav (str) โ€“ Path to the speaker audio file for cloning a new voice. It is cloned and saved in voice_dirs with the name speaker_id. Defaults to None.

  • voice_dirs (List[str]) โ€“ List of paths that host reference audio files for speakers. Defaults to None.

  • **kwargs โ€“ Model specific inference settings used by generate_audio() and `TTS.tts.layers.bark.inference_funcs.generate_text_semantic().


A dictionary of the output values with wav as output waveform, deterministic_seed as seed used at inference, text_input as text token IDs after tokenizer, voice_samples as samples used for cloning, conditioning_latents as latents used at inference.

text_to_semantic(text, history_prompt=None, temp=0.7, base=None, allow_early_stop=True, **kwargs)[source]#

Generate semantic array from text.

  • text โ€“ text to be turned into audio

  • history_prompt โ€“ history choice for audio cloning

  • temp โ€“ generation temperature (1.0 more diverse, 0.0 more conservative)


numpy semantic array to be fed into semantic_to_waveform